Find your joy in leading again through Biblical Coaching

It’s time to begin a renewing journey through your spiritual burnout by scheduling a clarity call today.

Step One: Schedule a Clarity Call

Step Two: Develop a Personalized Restoration Plan

Step Three: Live Restored & Lead Renewed

Ignoring spiritual burnout can lead to:

  • Spiritual disconnect, feeling distant from God
  • Loss of productivity and creativity
  • Doubt in your value and impact
  • Broken relationships with loved ones and friends

Maybe you’re already feeling some of these effects, but there’s still hope.

Develop a effective strategies to overcome challenges & burnout

We identify the causes of your burnout and hurt with a personal assessment, and develop a plan of healing to help you overcome these challenges.

Create a plan of restoration and hope for the future

We help you create healthy habits, and build your godly sustainable pace with proper values, boundaries and accountability so that you can live restored and lead renewed.

Complete confidentiality and privacy, 100% worry-free

All coaching sessions are confidential and your privacy is always respected. This is a safe space for any and all types of brokenness. There will never be any judgement.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. It’s essential for you to be able to continue leading effectively and with compassion.

From Hurt to Healing...

Some recent success stories from wounded leaders who participated in
Personalized Coaching & Restoration Retreats.

“Your stories and experiences are much like my own… things too tough to imagine if you haven’t walked that path for yourself. And because hurts have come through ministry, there’s an understanding that we shouldn’t—we can’t—talk about them for fear of causing division in the church. It’s isolating. It’s invalidating. And it nearly made me pack it all up for good.

But you shared with honesty and integrity. You showed that restoration is possible and worth the journey. I don’t look forward to the work that still lay ahead of me. But I’m hopeful for the future.

And I’m beginning to dream again.
Thoughts are disentangling as the fog begins to lift. Glimmers of a new season tease with each lengthening day.
Thanks for taking the time to reach back and help others out of the muck.”

– From Recent Restoring Leaders Student

“There was some personal church hurt that was really derailing my walk with Jesus and stealing my joy. Finding freedom from this hurt and allowing God to begin to heal my heart and lead me toward forgiveness was my hope and prayer for the week.

Tom helped me walk through this heart changing process by meeting with me personally and allowing me to share my story, by leading our group in thought provoking discussions and prayer and teaching each of us how to find much needed solitude time with God.

I am so thankful for the time and space to help me reset, connect with my calling to ministry and seek God’s plan for my future. The Restored Leader’s journey was a divine appointment that changed my life!“

– Restoration Retreat Participant

How Restoring Leaders Works

Step One: Schedule a free Clarity Call

This is a free consultation for you to meet your coach, get to know one another, and determine if this is the right next step for you.

Step Two: Develop a Personalized Restoration Plan

We will work with you discover the root causes of your challenges and burnout. Then we develop a plan of healing to overcome them.

Step Three: Live Restored & Lead Renewed

After working through the initial hurt, we will develop a plan of healing and sustainable growth so that you can find your joy in leading again.

We’ve been where you are.

Wounded, discouraged and totally burned out on ministry.
I was ready to quit my calling.

But God had different plans.

He led me to a “valley season.” I walked closely with Him and with a counselor. I learned so much about myself, my calling and my deep why for ministry. I gained a clearer picture of how I was supposed to live as a minister, husband and father.

Now, I have a strategy where I can lead and when it gets hard; I don’t fall into a dark place. I persevere in a way that is healthy and in line with my calling. It is now my life’s calling to help other leaders find this kind of restoration.

That is why Restoring Leaders is here for you – to journey with you and to guide you along a path that God is leading you so you can get back in and stay in ministry.

I would be honored to serve you and help you heal and find restoration.

Tom Bump
Founder of Restoring Leaders

Not sure if coaching is what you need?

If you’re overwhelmed and unsure where to start, try taking the Burnout Assessment. It will walk you through a variety of questions to help bring awareness to your level of burnout and give you first step to healing.