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Is Specialty Toenail and Restoration Nail Technician
The Secret to Your Next-Level Career?

Join the FREE Webinar

Roadmap for a Profitable Career Path: Mastering State Board Guidelines and Key Business Strategies

Mindset, Marketing, Systems, Ergonomics, Intelligent Business Tactics, and Revenue Streams
All to Maximize your Business Growth and Income

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Topics Covered

What we will Cover?

Mindset, Marketing, Systems, Ergonomics, Intelligent Business Tactics, and Revenue Streams All to Mazimize your Business Growth and Income


True Hard facts straight from State Board Administrations. Understand the true scope of practice to expand your impact as a Nail Care Professional!

Get More Clients

You don't have to work in a Podiatry office to create transformations for clients. Break the barriers and understand private industry nail care needs!

Generate More Revenue

75% of the population has an problem with at least one toenail. When you learn techniques to provide solutions, the income just falls into place!

This Webinar is for YOU if:

  • You are a licensed Nail Technician, Cosmetologist, Nurse, or Caregiver in the USA
  • If you’re a Podiatrist, a Pedicure Expert, a novice, or a high school graduate looking for a Career Path
  • If you are from other countries like the UK or Canada where you’re not required to have a license and want to pursue a career as a nail tech
  • If you are a Salon Owner looking for an additional Revenue Stream that Podiatrists are infringing upon.

In this webinar YOU Will Learn:

  • The Biggest Lie you’ve ever heard in the nail industry. Let’s debunk the myth once and for all!
  • The current landscape of the nail care industry and how you can Lucratively Fill the Gap as a Specialty Toenail and Restoration Nail Technician. 
  • The much-needed mindset shift so you can take pride as a nail care service provider and earn the appropriate income for the service you provide.
  •  Who are qualified to be a premium nail technician? This may be a much needed nudge to explore a new career path or business expansion!
  • A simple but special formula to attract clients through your Social Media.
  • Beneficial tips to fit more clients into your day, so you can have a profitable career.
  • Ergonomics: How to Avoid the Debilitating Effects of Using the Wrong Posture

14 Countries STAR NT

At the heart of Meticulous Manicurist is a commitment to empowering others. The company is not just a business; it's a community where aspiring and established nail technicians receive advanced continuing education and training. Lori Halloway's journey is more than just a career; it's a lifelong commitment to enhancing the health and happiness of individuals through specialized nail care. Her work through Meticulous Manicurist not only transforms nails but also touches lives and guarantees career growth, making her a true pioneer in the field of pedicure services. Clients are begging for additional STAR NT's in their city.

About Host

Lori Halloway

Lori Halloway is a compassionate leader and the visionary behind Meticulous Manicurist LLC, a company dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals through specialty pedicure services. With a heartfelt mission to aid those struggling with toenail issues, Lori, as the CEO and founder of the Specialty Toenail and Restoration Nail Technician trademark, has devoted over three decades to the pedicure industry, personally delivering more than 30,000 pedicure services that have significantly enhanced the lives of her clients.

30+ Years Experience

With a heartfelt mission to aid those struggling with toenail issues, Lori, as the CEO and founder of the Specialty Toenail and Restoration Nail Technician trademark, has devoted over three decades to the pedicure industry, personally delivering more than 30,000 pedicure services that have significantly enhanced the lives of her clients.


Her passion for making a difference in people's lives extends beyond the salon chair to her widely successful YouTube channel, Meticulous Manicurist Nail Tutorials. Here, she shares her expert knowledge with nearly 1 million subscribers, offering solutions and care techniques that have helped millions to overcome their toenail challenges and achieve healthier nails. The channel's impact is evident in its impressive reach, garnering over 360 million views. Moreover, Meticulous Manicurist contributes to the industry by producing high-quality professional pedicure and nail supplies. These products are a testament to Lori's dedication to excellence and her desire to support the professional growth of nail technicians everywhere.


What Attendees Say?

Over 2000 students and happy graduates rave about the quality and educational content. Never has their been a course to take nail care into this level of care AND teach how to establish the level of private industry care!

Andrea Whisenant
Nail Technician

As an experienced advanced nail tech with over 700 hours in hands-on Manicurist training. I’m licensed in both Alaska and New Mexico. I began my career 3 years ago watching the Meticulous Manicurist and others on YouTube as I studied. I was very excited to see your online courses for Pedicures and immediately knew that I could learn more. I was not let down.  I highly recommend this class as a tool in your toolbox as it’s invaluable in helping those who need your services.  I look forward to being a part of this global network and sharing all of my skills with others.

Lea McIntyre
Nail Technician

Basic pedicure courses are a dime a dozen. But if you want to become a sought after problem feet pedicurist in your area, take The full Meticulous Manicurists course. It has helped me gain a great deal of knowledge to confidently change my clients lives. Short of a PHD, you won’t learn more than what is taught via Lori’s course. In just a couple of short months and I am getting a reputation for helping people with problem feet. It is rewarding beyond belief to see how happy and pain free they are when they leave. Lori’s marketing ideas have helped spread the word. Thank you so much Lori... I am in my element and love what I do.

Traci Shelton
Nail Technician

“The information you’ve provided is priceless. If I may be candid, I initially went to nail school just to provide outstanding pedicures because I felt there was a lack of thoroughness in my area. I have since expanded my thinking beyond simple pedicures after stumbling upon your YouTube channel during my time in school and watching just about everything you’ve posted. I remember wishing/hoping that I could interview you or attend one of your workshops one day. I can’t believe that this opportunity fell before me. I thank you so much for empowering me with detailed information and breakdowns that will carry me the rest of my career.

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